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赫兹发力中国市场 战略投资神州租车



上海2013年4月17日电 /美通社/ -- 全球领先的汽车租赁品牌 Hertz 赫兹国际汽车租赁(NYSE:HTZ)与神州租车联合宣布,赫兹将战略投资中国租车业领导品牌神州租车,持有神州租车近20%的股权并获得一个董事会席位。根据协议,赫兹与神州租车两个品牌将同时出现在双方后续的全国租赁服务门店,赫兹门店将并入神州运营系统,继续在主要城市提供高端租赁服务。赫兹将继续管理其在国内的出境租车团队,该合作也不影响其设备租赁业务。


赫兹全球总裁兼首席执行官 Mark P. Frissora 认为:“赫兹作为全球领先的汽车租赁品牌,与中国规模最大、最受认可的汽车租赁公司合作是个完美的选择。神州租车在全国66个城市拥有700多家门店,车队规模超过50,000辆,为其最大竞争对手规模的三倍。同时,神州租车业务增长迅速,在2012年实现了营业额翻番,达到2.5亿美元,是其他国内竞争对手的2.5倍。神州租车2009年到2012年年增长率达200%,为市场同期增长的六倍,且到2016年其预期年增长率超过50%,是整体市场预期的3倍多。这使得赫兹凭借其现有国际品牌和差异化的市场定位来快速拓展中国租车市场,同时促进神州租车的增长。不仅神州租车及赫兹能够在全国范围提供商务及休闲租车服务,同时也使我们能够在增长预期最高的中国出境及入境市场为商旅人士提供最佳的租车解决方案。”





自成立以来,神州租车获得了客户的一致认可和社会各界的广泛好评。2008年,公司成为第29届奥运会租车服务提供商,2008年公司获评《中国企业家》“21世纪未来之星”企业,2009年公司荣登《福布斯》中文版“中国潜力企业榜”,2010年公司获评《新财富》“最具增长潜力商业模式”、中华网“年度最佳租车服务奖”,2011年公司获评哈佛《商业评论》“管理行动奖”金奖、中国品牌节“品牌中国大奖最佳服务奖”、《时尚旅游》“中国旅游金榜”最佳租车公司奖,入选“2012年德勤亚太区高成长公司500强”,并在中国工信部发起的 第三届“中国品牌力指数”评测中位居行业榜首,成为汽车租赁服务领域消费者最可信赖的品牌。



赫兹旗下共有赫兹、道乐及Thrifty三大租车品牌,在北美、欧洲、南美、亚洲、澳大利亚、新西兰、中东及非洲地区经营着约10,400家直营、授权及特许经营网点。赫兹是全球最大的机场常用租车品牌,在全球约150个国家拥有约8,800家直营或授权网点。赫兹也是美国市场最大的机场租车品牌,在111个主要欧洲机场提供服务。道乐和Thrifty租车在全球约80个国家拥有1,580家直营或授权网点。赫兹是旅游+休闲“世界最佳奖名人堂”的创始成员,近期再次被该杂志读者命名为“最佳租车公司”,这是赫兹第13次获此殊荣。Zagat的2012/13年度美国租车调查中,赫兹还被选为最佳整体租车公司,在14个类别中赢得最高荣誉。公司还横扫FlyerTalk.com逐个全球奖项,包括最好奖励计划及最佳整体效益。赫兹的产品及服务举措,如赫兹金尚尊享奖励、NeverLost®、Adrenaline产品所提供的独特小车和SUV车型,以及Prestige尊贵和Green Traveler绿色旅行者系列,使得赫兹公司在市场竞争中脱颖而出。此外,赫兹旗下还包括汽车融资租赁及车队管理的领导者Donlen道能公司,以及专营汽车共享的Hertz On Demand品牌。赫兹旗下的赫兹设备租赁公司拥有北美领先的设备租赁业务,该公司业务还包括赫兹娱乐服务。



Cautionary Note Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release and in related comments by our management include "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Examples of forward-looking statements include information concerning Hertz’s outlook, anticipated revenues and results of operations, as well as any other statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact.  These forward-looking statements often include words such as "believe," "expect," "project," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate," "seek," "will," "may," "would," "should," "could," "forecasts" or similar expressions.  These statements are based on certain assumptions that Hertz has made in light of its experience in the industry as well as its perceptions of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors that Hertz believes are appropriate in these circumstances.  We believe these judgments are reasonable, but you should understand that these statements are not guarantees of performance or results, and our actual results could differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements due to a variety of important factors, both positive and negative.

Among other items, such factors could include: our ability to integrate the car rental operations of Dollar Thrifty and realize operational efficiencies from the acquisition; the risk that expected synergies, cost savings from the Dollar Thrifty acquisition may not be fully realized or realized within the expected time frame; the operational and profitability impact of the Advantage divestiture and the divestiture of the airport locations that we agreed to undertake in order to secure regulatory approval for the Dollar Thrifty acquisition; levels of travel demand, particularly with respect to airline passenger traffic in the United States and in global markets; the impact of pending and future U.S. governmental action to address budget deficits through reductions in spending and similar austerity measures, which could materially adversely affect unemployment rates and consumer spending levels; significant changes in the competitive environment, including as a result of industry consolidation, and the effect of competition in our markets, including on our pricing policies or use of incentives; occurrences that disrupt rental activity during our peak periods; our ability to achieve cost savings and efficiencies and realize opportunities to increase productivity and profitability; an increase in our fleet costs as a result of an increase in the cost of new vehicles and/or a decrease in the price at which we dispose of used vehicles either in the used vehicle market or under repurchase or guaranteed depreciation programs our ability to accurately estimate future levels of rental activity and adjust the size and mix of our fleet accordingly; our ability to maintain sufficient liquidity and the availability to us of additional or continued sources of financing for our revenue earning equipment and to refinance our existing indebtedness; safety recalls by the manufacturers of our vehicles and equipment; a major disruption in our communication or centralized information networks; financial instability of the manufacturers of our vehicles and equipment; any impact on us from the actions of our licensees, franchisees, dealers and independent contractors; our ability to maintain profitability during adverse economic cycles and unfavorable external events (including war, terrorist acts, natural disasters and epidemic disease); shortages of fuel and increases or volatility in fuel costs; our ability to successfully integrate acquisitions and complete dispositions; our ability to maintain favorable brand recognition; costs and risks associated with litigation; risks related to our indebtedness, including our substantial amount of debt, our ability to incur substantially more debt and increases in interest rates or in our borrowing margins; our ability to meet the financial and other covenants contained in our Senior Credit Facilities, our outstanding unsecured Senior Notes and certain asset-backed and asset-based arrangements; changes in accounting principles, or their application or interpretation, and our ability to make accurate estimates and the assumptions underlying the estimates, which could have an effect on earnings; changes in the existing, or the adoption of new laws, regulations, policies or other activities of governments, agencies and similar organizations where such actions may affect our operations, the cost thereof or applicable tax rates; changes to our senior management team; the effect of tangible and intangible asset impairment charges; the impact of our derivative instruments, which can be affected by fluctuations in interest rates and commodity prices; and our exposure to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.  Additional information concerning these and other factors can be found in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K.

Hertz therefore cautions you against relying on these forward-looking statements.  All forward-looking statements attributable to Hertz or persons acting on Hertz’s behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements.  All such statements speak only as of the date made, and Hertz undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

消息来源 Hertz赫兹国际汽车租赁


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