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和中移民:加拿大技术移民 新一轮重磅来袭


 2014年4月23日,加拿大移民部部长Chris Alexander宣布了2014年5月1日重新开启联邦技术移民的申请。当这一消息出现之后,各方热切期盼的声音不绝于耳,让众多倾向加拿大移民的人士有了新的曙光!加拿大联邦技术移民新政后,“及格线”仍然是67分,对申请人语言能力、年龄、教育、工作经验、是否在加已有工作安排及适应能力进行综合打分。



    0013 Senior managers – financial,communications and other business services


    0015 Senior managers - trade, broadcastingand other services, n.e.c.


    0111 Financial managers


    0112 Human resources managers


    0113 Purchasing managers


    0121 Insurance, real estate and financialbrokerage managers


    0311 Managers in health care


    0711 Construction managers


    0712 Home building and renovation managers


    0811 Managers in natural resources productionand fishing


    0911 Manufacturing managers


    1111 Financial auditors and accountants


    1112 Financial and investment analysts


    1113 Securities agents, investment dealersand brokers


    1114 Other financial officers


    1123 Professional occupations in advertising,marketing and public relations


    1212 Supervisors, finance and insuranceoffice workers


    1224 Property administrators


    2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers


    2131 Civil engineers


    2132 Mechanical engineers


    2133 Electrical and electronicsengineers


    2145 Petroleum engineers


    2171 Information systems analysts andconsultants


    2172 Database analysts and dataadministrators


    2173 Software engineers and designers


    2174 Computer programmers and interactivemedia developers


    2232 Mechanical engineering technologists andtechnicians


    2234 Construction estimators


    2241 Electrical and electronics engineeringtechnologists and technicians


    2243 Industrial instrument technicians andmechanics


    2263 Inspectors in public and environmentalhealth and occupational health and safety


    2281 Computer network technicians


    3011 Nursing co-ordinators andsupervisors


    3012 Registered nurses and registeredpsychiatric nurses


    3111 Specialist physicians


    3112 General practitioners and familyphysicians


    3132 Dietitians and nutritionists


    3141 Audiologists and speech-languagepathologists


    3142 Physiotherapists


    3143 Occupational therapists


    3214 Respiratory therapists, clinicalperfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists


    3215 Medical radiation technologists


    3216 Medical sonographers


    3233 Licensed practical nurses


    3234 Paramedical occupations


    4011 University professors and lecturers


    4151 Psychologists


    4214 Early childhood educators andassistants


    5125 Translators, terminologists andinterpreters


    5月9日(周五)晚 18:30到21:30,南京和中邀您参加加拿大技术移民特别咨询日。会上将由资深移民专家为大家讲解加拿大技术移民条件与渠道方法。为了实现您的移民目标,我们将全力配合。以专业和实事求是的精神积极有效地解决问题,预祝您的移民申请圆满成功! 



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